Monday, August 3, 2009


Hi! My name is Cleo, and I have a few lovable little quirks. I am going to tell you about one of them today!

My foster mom and I weren't communicating so well, but last night she FINALLY figured out what I was trying to tell her.

All last week, when my foster brothers would stir around 5am, which is when the alarm goes off, I would start whining. My foster mom thought I was just being an extra alarm clock. When the weekend rolled around and the alarm wasn't set, the other dogs would still stir around 5am, but go right back to sleep. Well, they would wake me up, and I didn't go back to sleep. I would whine and wake up my foster mom. I don't think she was very happy. As a matter of fact, she is a bit grumpy that early on the weekends.

Last night, at bed time, everyone settled in and I started whining. I was let back outside, but that wasn't what I wanted.

Then we all settled back down and I started whining again. My foster mom let me out of the crate and I curled up on the floor next to the bed. Then I started whining again, still not what I wanted.

Then she took me back outside, still not what I wanted.

Then we all went back to the bedroom. I could see my foster mom was tired, but I was trying to tell her what I wanted. She sat on the bed and thought and thought.

Then, the light came on, literally! See, I'm a bit scared of the dark. I wouldn't call it scared, I just like a light on when I sleep.

So, now my foster mom and I know how to communicate a bit better. I'm training her and she's training me! She will know all my cute and endearing quirks so you and I will be able to live happily ever after in our new forever home!